Why I love Jon Stewart
"I'm also on Gruntr" ... Classic.
And sadly, I know I must look this way sometimes.
Note: Thanks John, for pointing out that all the YouTube versions of this have been taken down by the nice folks at Viacom. Having now replaced it, I have stripped out all the crap and links from the Comedy Central player and have now included it above. Idiots.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Hey George - Here's the link that hasn't been shut down by Viacom's cease and desist order: http://www.thedailyshow.com/video/index.jhtml?videoId=219519&title=twitter-frenzy
# posted by John : 2:37 AM, March 08, 2009
Thanks for pointing that out. I've fixed the link/embedded player.
You'd think at some point that they'd understand the value of having people spread short clips from that show to other people. Shockingly stupid. I know there's content rights and cash issues, but in the end, the more people who see a 5 minute clip (in essence a promo) for this show, the better off they are in the end.
# posted by George Nimeh : 11:41 AM, March 08, 2009
