Pop-Ups Suck and Earthlink knows it. By the way, so does iVillage.
EarthLink to Block Pop-Ups, Promote Tool in New Ads
@New York, by Christopher Saunders
The ISP will offer users an application that nixes pop-ups and pop-unders, and plans to highlight the service in its newest campaign. The Atlanta-based ISP plans to begin offering users Pop-Up Blocker, an application that runs within Internet Explorer and stops pop-up or pop-under ads from rendering.
EarthLink upgrade helps kill pop-up ads
Reuters, via CNN
EarthLink Inc.'s arsenal for luring away subscribers from its online rivals includes a multimillion-dollar marketing campaign and new access software that will block pop-up ads, one of the most frequently cited annoyances on the Internet.
Thursday, August 22, 2002

A bunch of us watched Rushmore last night. Still love it ... no matter how many times I see it. Other favorite flicks are here.
Poor old granddad
I laughed at all his words
I thought he was a bitter man
when he spoke of women's ways.
They'll trap you and abuse you
before you even know
for love is blind
and you're far to kind
don't ever let it show
I wish that I knew what I know now
when I was younger,
I wish that I knew what I know now
when I was stronger.
The can-can such a pretty show
will steal your heart away
but backstage back on earth again
the dressing rooms are grey
they come on strong, and it ain't too long
for they make you feel a man
but love is blind, and you soon will find
you're just a boy again
When you want her lips, you get her cheek
makes you wonder where you are
if you want some more than she's fast asleep
leaves you twinkling with the stars
Poor young grandson, there's nothing I can say
you'll have to learn, just like me
and thats the hardest way, ohh la la
I wish that I knew what I know now
When I was younger
I wish that I knew what I know now
When I was stronger
"Ooh La La"
Music & Lyrics: Ronnie Lane & Ron Wood
Friday, August 16, 2002

"The Lesson of the Moth" - Don Marquis
Fire is beautiful
and we know that if we get
too close it will kill us
but what does that matter
it is better to be happy
for a moment
and burned up with beauty
than to live a long time
and be bored all the while.
Printmaker Turns Moths Into Objects of Beauty
New York Times (free registration required)
by Dinitia Smith
ALFRED, N.Y. — "Here's a geometrid flying in," Joseph Scheer said. "He's trying to make up his mind."
In a dark field in Allegany County close to 12 on a summer night, the little geometrid moth arrived, its delicate wings a mottled gray and white. The moth was fluttering inexorably toward a white sheet illuminated by a mercury vapor lamp. After the geometrid came a tiger moth. "Very active, really beautiful," Mr. Scheer said. Then a plume moth. "An amazing moth," he observed. "When it opens up, it looks like it has five wings." [continued]
Wave Hill Arts - Joseph Scheer
Alfred University: Moths of Allegany County
Wednesday, August 14, 2002

It's Miller Time at AOL
from Media Unspun's Deborah Asbrand ... Jon Miller's in charge of AOL Time Warner now, and he's got nothing to say. OK, the new CEO has a little to say, but none of it is interesting. And as the media witness the train wreck of a company's third CEO so far this year, they seem almost relieved at his reticence.
Reporters universally pegged Miller's main qualifications to be his e-commerce and TV experience as former lieutenant to Barry Diller at USA Interactive, and his neutrality. Outlets cast him as an outsider, having come from neither AOL nor Time Warner -- an important distinction at a company where the work atmosphere apparently rivals the camaraderie of a riot. The Wall Street Journal called him affable, and the Washington Post said he fits in with AOL-TW's "make-nice makeover." Miller's modest comment to the New York Times that he suspected the company would choose a "rock star" a la Bob Pittman indicates how far out of whack ego-fed perceptions had gone. Pittman as a rock star? Sounds like both executives and reporters need to get out more. Hey, the Springsteen tour starts tonight.
In the How Quickly Things Change category, Unspun notes that the Times reported Miller was a favorite candidate of AOL chairman Steve Case, and that one reason for the company's choice of Miller was a "face-saving" gesture toward Case, whose influence the Times said was waning. That's a turnaround for Case, to now be viewed as the AOL holdover to be humored, and for the Times, which less than three weeks ago ran a report that said the pressure was on Case to take the lead at AOL-TW.
Miller's chats with the media so far are also neutral to the point of being bland, which of course is the point. The Financial Times scored an interview with the new CEO in which he spoke of "unlocking AOL's value," a wilted-sounding notion harkening back to the dot-com days. "If you do that and maintain the subscriber base," he went on to the peach paper, "you will attract advertising over time."
Among the few who were quoted criticizing Miller's hire was Jeff Christian, chief executive of search firm Christian & Timbers. What AOL really needs, the New York Times quoted Christian as saying, is a turnaround expert. Then again, as the Times noted, it was his firm that brought Carly Fiorina to Hewlett-Packard. From this man we should hear such comments?
Media Veteran Selected To Lead AOL
AOL picks USA's Miller as new chief (Reuters)
Miller's Crossing to AOL
AOL Chooses Outsider to Perform Cyber Rescue
Miller Named AOL's New CEO
An Old-Line Executive for AOL's Online Unit
Miller's Lack of Grand Vision May Be Good (Financial Times)
http://www.tinyurl.com/xyr (Paid subscription required.)
Miller Named CEO for America Online (Wall Street Journal)
Wednesday, August 07, 2002
