It’s A Kinda MagicNokia Connectors - Dynamo from whybrow on Vimeo. Another highly “ Contagious” campaign from Nokia: - Cool viral video, properly seeded of course
- Tie-in to a simple effective microsite
- 250 Connectors buzzing their stuff over the summer
- Downloadable mobile card tricks from a slick hot mobile shop
- An obligatory Facebook page
It’s A Kinda MagicContagious Magazine13/08/2008 This week, Nokia is trying to entice us into buying its latest range of handsets using a little magic. Thankfully, they've steered clear of David 'what God complex?' Blaine in favour of yoof street act Dynamo. This nifty magician was last seen working wonders for our favourite three-striped German brand and is now using mobiles to get the marketing message across.
With a little help from seeding maestro's Unruly Media, a couple of virals are working their way around the web - the clips finish with a clever little card trick to pull people to the homepage Dynamo flicks through a pack of cards, asking you to remember one, and then promises he will guess your card when he greets you at, which he mind-blowingly does; just like David Blaine did in that Peugeot commercial all those years ago oops (not that the teens of today will be old enough to remember luckily!).
The really fun part of the campaign is going on in the background. Through a Facebook recruitment drive, Nokia has rounded up 250 students to promote the new handsets. Nokia’s UK Head of Communications Anna Shipley told Contagious ‘this summer, Nokia is launching ‘Nokia Connectors’ sending teams of student brand ambassadors onto the UK's streets, parks, beaches and parties, to help the public unlock the magic in their phones. Based all over the UK in 18 key cities and armed with Nokia’s new 6220 phone and some amazing mobile magic tricks, the aim is for the Nokia Connectors to engage, entertain and connect with potential consumers.’
This engaging grass roots initiative is a sterling example of how to pull potential customers closer to your corporate bosom, creating an experience to remember and hopefully a dollop of brand loyalty with the existing Nokia crowd. This is how the matey matey approach should be done; walk up, entertain your consumers with a bit of illusion, talk to them on their level, and give them something back. Don’t just stride up, put your arm round their neck and share their jokes, forcing your opinions and bullshit on their friends – you’ll just up the Saturday night drunkard who ends up in everyone’s photos but no one actually spoke to. Or will remember
There's a small write-up on NMA as well. Simple. Engaging. Fun. Viral.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thanks for sharing, I almost never see the ads we work on since Im too busy buried in an excel spread sheet!
# posted by : 2:40 PM, August 15, 2008
Thanks for dropping by. Shut down XLS and make more calls! ;-)
# posted by George Nimeh : 12:07 AM, August 16, 2008
