Real-time Swiss is the best mash-up I've seen in a long time. It is clean, fast and very well put together. The site delivers real-time information of Swiss trains. Fantastic! Via George Parker on Brand Republic: This is a fine demonstration of how effective the correct use of web technology can be. It's a map of Swiss trains in real time.OK, it just shows Zurich at the moment, but you can actually follow the trains in motion.
It's only in alpha right now, but you know that within a few days the "YodelMeisters" will have that sucker humming. What will they think of next... Clocks that go cuckoo? The message on the site reads: Welcome! For all of you visiting this website: this site is still in ALPHA-phase. You're not supposed to see it ;-) But as some bloggers already wrote about it, we decided to keep it open. In a couple of weeks time, we'll add more info here, and more functionality. For now, we keep on developing. I think a mobile version of this functionality would be awesome. Technorati Tags: 2.0, mashups, swisstrains
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
