I guess we can get his gun now ...Charlton Heston, dead at 84: In a speech at the N.R.A.'s annual convention in 2000, he brought the audience to its feet with a ringing attack on gun-control advocates. Paraphrasing an N.R.A. bumper sticker ("I'll give you my gun when you take it from my cold, dead hands") he waved a replica of a colonial musket above his head and shouted defiantly, "From my cold, dead hands!"
Here on i-boy, we try to be as politically agnostic as possible. Why? Well, I have no idea. But in this case, it is really difficult. Ben-Hur was a very cool film . One of the best. But being the President and lifelong supporter of the NRA is just shit, and we're glad that there is now one less gun on the streets. Sorry Charlie. Technorati Tags: off.topic
Monday, April 07, 2008
Just one? Heck, that old bag of bones must have had at least two or three muskets lying about.
Me, I prefer to celebrate his death as a monument to cognitive dissonance.
# posted by David Blanar : 1:45 PM, April 10, 2008
