Best of 2007: Best forum postBy far the best forum post I've read this year, courtesy of Brand Republic. The inimitable George Parker replies to the question: What advice do you have for American advertising executives working in Britain? His list is brilliant, and several of the replies and other comments are a must read for anyone who deals with folks on the other side of the pond. Instructions for American Admen in Britain 2007 by: George Parker
Mmmm... This could take me all day, but here's a couple of things worth bearing in mind.
1: Don't take yourself so bloody seriously. Ad people in Britain still think you can do good work and enjoy yourself at the same time. Even if they're a bloody MBA.
2: If you get invited out for a pint after work... Go. You might even enjoy it. And if you don't... Pretend you do.
3: Don't make jokes about the weather, British food, or lack of personal or dental hygiene. Even though your parents spent a fortune on braces and corrective dental surgery, when you probably didn't need it, but 'cos everyone else in your school had a mouthful of tin you had to conform... It isn't such a big deal here.
4: Don't get upset when everyone around you swears like a trooper, even when they now use words that would have caused a trooper to blush ten years ago.
5: Don't defend Bush in particular or American politics in general. Both are indefensible and you'll only get an earful of the previously mentioned language.
6: Be prepared to accept that in general, British women are better looking and much more sexy than American women.
That'll do for starters. I'm sure I'll have more to say later.
Cheers/George Priceless! Technorati Tags: uk, usa, london, culture, advertising, blogosphere, bestof
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
George Many thanks for the kind mention of me and AdScam on i-boy. Next time I'm over there, I owe you a pint, or three. Cheers/George
# posted by George Parker : 4:45 PM, December 15, 2007
A celebrity drop-in! Hehe.
I'm in London mate. How about the Market Porter over in SE1?
# posted by George Nimeh : 5:38 PM, December 17, 2007
