Comments are back!
I got them to work agian. I finally got them to work again! Six months of template hell, and comments are working again on i-boy. Well, here's to small geeky miracles. In the end, it wasn't such a big problem. I just wasn't looking in the right place.
As an added bonus, the permalink URLs on i-boy are much cleaner than they were before. The meaningless post ID numbers are gone and have been replaced with 'real English' URLs.
So, what do you think? ;)
That said, I'm still considering migrating from Blogger to MT or WordPress. After 5 years, i-boy is due for a serious update, and I'm not sure if Blogger can handle the functionality I want to add.
Monday, March 13, 2006
See, they work!
Still not the most elegant solution, but at least they're back online.
Sorry it took so long.
# posted by George Nimeh : 4:30 PM, March 13, 2006
