Gold for il pomodoro di volo, but no medal for NBC and Google Video.
I wanted to see Shaun White's winning run, since I missed it on Brit TV. I'm still not used to the my Sky+ Tivo-like thing and the BBC's coverage.
Since I'm in the UK, I could not watch this video on Google Video. I imagine it is part of the deal they did with NBC. No problem seeing it on YouTube, which begs the question: Where would Google and NBC rather have me watch the video?
In a world where video content will soon be as easily found as photos are today, isn't a bit silly (naive, even) to think that people won't look around? What kind of user experience is this? One that tells me to start my search elsewhere, and that doesn't win you any medals.
Shaun White's Gold Medal run YouTube
Shaun White's Gold Medal run at the 2006 Winter Olympics. White scored a 46.8 on his first run of the finals to win the gold medal.
Monday, February 13, 2006
