Target's "Deliver the Shiver"
Too Cool For You
How's this for a genius idea — brand new, 5,000 BTU air conditioners for $75. You read that right, a mere $75 to make your apartment meat-locker cold. On June 24th, at noon, Target's "Deliver the Shiver" trucks will pull up in Herald Square (that's Broadway, between 6th Avenue and 34th Street, for the 914-ers). They will stay there until they sell out, or 7 p.m. — whichever comes first. Since this is a Target operation, the air conditioners come with a free "Bull's-eye" pull cart so you can lug your purchase home; and the truck stores take credit cards. I'm predicting mayhem. If you miss the 24th, there will be another opportunity on Saturday, June 26th at the Second Avenue Festival (2nd Avenue and 23rd Street), from 11 a.m.- 6 p.m.
For more info call 800-440-0680.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
